There are many V Fans across the world and across the internet. They are not all alike. Some of them like only the first 'Mini-Series' and not 'The Final Battle' follow-up mini-series...though there are very few of them.
There are V Fans who absolutely did not like V: The Series. I cannot say just how many there are, but there are many complaints, and a few of them are somewhat justified, but I'm a fan of this series as well. (So that means you'll get info and comments about that series.)
There are V Fans who hate and though I don't personally know any, love, the new V Remake. I was one of those people who assumed it would be the new V The Second Generation Novel, but sadly, me and a million other people were quite disappointed. I watched this remake, and as bad as it was, it did start to get a little better and then the idiots cancelled the show just as I was trying to get into it. Oh well, it won't be as remembered as the original, no remake ever is. (Or at least so very few of them that it's usually a given, but there are some few exceptions.)
The First V (the original mini-series), the second V (The Final Battle), the third V (The Series) and the fourth and disappointing (both because it wasn't the Second Generation AND they cancelled it without finishing the whole story making it almost unwatchable) V The Remake.
I of course watched the original as it aired when I was a wee little kid, as well as the Final Battle. I only saw a couple minutes of the 'Series' because at the exact time it was airing my dad was dying of cancer and watching anything on a regular basis was not possible. Life was chaos, and though I probably would have loved it even then, I didn't get to see it until it finally came on DVD. I loved it, and all its cheesy flaws. It wasn't exactly as good or as serious as the original, but the cast was there, and they did do some pretty weird subversive stuff on it even though it would waver back and forth from 'sit-com' like, to cheesy campy schlock, to really weird stuff like Land of the Lost with the lizards and crystals but I loved that stuff too, it just didn't have the same tone as the mini-series by the end of it, and I would have loved to watch it continue and see what would have happened to Elizabeth, whether Lydia would have turned good, and whether Michael Ironside and Mickey Jones would have ever returned, etc.
On this blog, I will post some comments on these episodes and these series, and though it won't be a 'review' in the sense of 'good or bad' or 'I liked this' or 'this part sucked' but a variety of tidbits, thoughts, and information. I hope you enjoy.